

The organized courses will be held by experts with a great international reputation in the branches of the computational topology, and they offer complementary competences and experiences from a theoretical and applicative point of view. 



  Monday 9/2 Tuesday 10/2 Wednesday 11/2 Thursday 12/2 Friday 13/2

Computational Geometry and Topology

Herbert Edelsbrunner

Discrete Morse Theory

Bruno Benedetti

Generalized Persistent Homologies: G-invariant and Multi-Dimensional Persistence

Massimo Ferri and Claudia Landi and Patrizio Frosini

Discrete Morse Theory

Bruno Benedetti

Generalized Persistent Homologies: G-invariant and Multi-Dimensional Persistence

Massimo Ferri and Claudia Landi and Patrizio Frosini

Coffee Break          

Generalized Persistent Homologies: G-invariant and Multi-Dimensional Persistence

Massimo Ferri and Claudia Landi and Patrizio Frosini

Computational Geometry and Topology

Herbert Edelsbrunner

Discrete Morse Theory

Bruno Benedetti

Generalized Persistent Homologies: G-invariant and Multi-Dimensional Persistence

Massimo Ferri and Claudia Landi and Patrizio Frosini

Discrete Morse Theory

Bruno Benedetti


Computational Geometry and Topology

Herbert Edelsbrunner

Persistent homology for complex network analysis

Vaccarino Francesco

Computational Geometry and Topology

Herbert Edelsbrunner

Effective homology: perturbation lemma and applications

Julio Rubio

Talks by Participants

Title: 3D shape analysis for face reading
Speaker: Raccichini Giovanni


Title: Techniques of counting homologies used in derived cathegories
Speaker: Lason Michal


Talks by Participants

Title: Perfect discrete Morse functions on connected sums
Speaker: Isal Hanife


Title: Estimating the discrete Lusternik-Schnireimann category
Speaker: Scoville Nicholas


Title: Cech homology from finite approximations
Speaker: Mondejar Diego


Title: Betti posets of monomial ideals and rigid deformation
Speaker: Clark Timothy


Mimi Tsuruga


Talks by Participants

Title: Inducing a map on homology from a correspondence
Speaker: Pilarczyk Pawel


Title: The higher topological complexity of subcomplexes of products of spheres and related
polyhderal product spaces
Speaker: Gutierrez Barbara


Title: Persistence and Links
Speaker: Belchi Guillamon

Poster Session



The School features three tutorials, each of of eight hours: 

Lecturer: Herbert Edelsbrunner
Tutor: Mabel Iglesias Ham
Lecturer: Bruno Benedetti
Tutor: Francesco Grande and Mimi Tsuruga
Lecturers: Massimo Ferri and Claudia Landi and Patrizio Frosini


Two featured talks: 

Lecturer: Julio Rubio - University of La Rioja
Lecturer: Vaccarino Francesco - Politecnico di Torino


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